: Iceland has the best libraries

: Sabaki Girls at Uwajimayaya Bellevue!

: I found the most Japanese product ever - Aggretsuko Junmai Sake

: This weekend I am being an Mican / fish Girls / Ehime Food Fair groupie (grouper?)

: Mican at Uwajimaya Seattle!

: Got to see みきゃん in personn tonight!

: Eagle at Log Boom Park

: Year of the Dragon

: The best Christmas present!

: They came from pepparkakor land

: This is so good: Zoetrope for seeing screen refresh rates: cohost.org/lunasorce…

: 気にするリンゴ ?

: 50 km. Loop complete

: 44.9 km. In the homestretch

: 44.3 km. The Hop and Hound. Terramare “Amber On”

: 40.5 km Wilmot Gateway Park. Next stop: The Hop and Hound. ETA 5:10

: 38 km. Taking a shortcut puts me ahead of schedule! Now taking a rest on the Sammamish River Trail …

: 35.6 km Taking a shortcut! Eastrail between 124th St and Chateau Ste Michelle

: 29.2 km DERU Market is always a satisfying stop

: 25 km. It’s Kirkland!

: 20.8 km. Next stop, lunch at DERU, ETA 12:45

: 520 bridge view park

: Heron spotted from a few steps on to the 520 bridge

: Woof Woof

: UW Botanic Gardens

: 8:25 11.5 km, Breakfast at Gretchen’s Place

: 6:05 am, Log Boom Park. Walking counterclockwise this year.

: It’s 520 bridge loop day!

: A nice looking eight without coxswain on the River

: Wordle creative challenge: Write a haiku with your wordle guesses for the day as the first or last …

: Gran’s dog cart!

: Why did Biden get such a good deal in negoitiations with McCarthy on the debt ceiling? This is a …

: Some jokes take decades to land! Today I realized that Pennsylvania’s “You’ve got …

: Great Blue Heron

: I like a lot of kinds of fries — the Curly, the Waffle, the Spicy, but I’m unimpressed by the …

: Today I learned that the phrase “freak flag” originated in the Jimi Hendrix song ‘If 6 Was 9’, and …

: Deleted twitter app from my phone. Does that count as rearranging deck chairs?

: Todays stats Distance: 32.3 miles Time walking: 11 hours 6 minutes Total time: 13 hours 30 minutes …

: Mile 32.3 - Loop complete!

: Mile 32.1 Bothell Landing bridge at sunset.

: Mile 31.5 - this owl flew right in front of me and said hello

: Mile 19. Mountlake cut.

: UDistrict and Laurelhurst looking gorgeous today

: Breakfast at DERU Market is 💯

: Start of the 2022 520 bridge loop

: Bothell High School baseball field - right field light pole osprey nest.

: Happy Birthday, Macgenie! @jean

: Loop Complete

: Feeling a little dehydrated, so staying away from the beer at 192 brewery.

: On the home stretch. Blyth Park.

: The new Bothell Landing Park bridge is gorgeous

: Crisis! No Mile 28 beer for me at Crucible Brewing Woodinville

: Wilmot Gateway Park

: Mile 26 beer at Good Brewing Hollywood Taproom

: Sammamish River Valley. 18’30” pace through 24 miles, but starting to flag

: Walking by car dealership row in Kirkland prompts me to calculate my MPG ( miles walked per gallon …

: Mile 19 beer is good beer. At Chainline brewing

: On the Kirkland Corridor Trail

: Across the 520 bridge. Seaplane, setting moon and Olympic mountains

: 520 bridge midpoint

: On the 520 Bridge ramp

: Helpful pedestrian directions

: Mountlake Cut

: Reached 21,081 steps (@TELLJapan Step-Up Challenge) just a few seconds before reaching “Husky …

: Thinking of Marv and Dorothy Harshman as I walk by Hec Ed

: Wahkiakum Lane

: UW Wetlands / Union Bay Natural Area

: Breakfast stop at Gretchen’s place gretchens-place.hub.biz

: Just a glimpse of @MtRainierWA from the Burke Gilman trail

: Lake Washington from Kenmore

: This year’s #520bridgeloophike begins!

: I can’t explain why, but I just used the phrase ‘put the kibosh on’ for the first time ever, I …

: An Swift/ObjC Interoperability Wrinkle: PersonNameComponents So, I wrote a category on NSPersonNameComponents to implement some custom name-formatting logic, and …

: This is the quality punditry @jbrcpod can trusted to deliver.

: Shoutout to the engineering team behind NSPersonNameComponentsFormatter

: Pair programming in 2020

: The talented @athebler contributes some wonderful artwork to the fanzine The Loneliest Girl …

: Maslow's hierarchy of Political Discussions I’ve been thinking a lot the past few months about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and how …

: “Outdoorphins!”

: Cracks me up everytime!

: Concurrency in swift is finally interesting Well, it has probably always been interesting, but it seems to be just now that the discussion is …

: My Most Recent One Star App Review Just submitted an App Store app review giving an app one star because their EULA was completely …

: Mile 32. Loop Complete.

: 22 miles. View of Juanita across the lake.

: 20 mile IPA is always a good IPA.

: 18 miles. Almost across the bridge.

: 15 miles. 520 Bridge View Park.

: 11.5 miles. First view of Seattle

: The DERU Market ‘AM Sandwich’ hit the spot.

: Eight miles.

: Five miles.

: It’s a start!

: Thinking of taking a little walk next Saturday. Who’s with me?

: "The Blind Leading the Blind" One of the rewarding parts of working in tech is being part of the Accessibility revolution. Like, …

: Achievement Unlocked: Found a fish on the Burke-Gilman trail

: Idea: “Stormtroopers!” - a first-person shooter where no player can actually hit a target, but …

: I love you all, too. @_RocketFM

: ScotusBlog has an excellent and humorous banner graphic: The Justices each dealing with remote …

: Hey, I'm on The April Xcoders Podcast! The April Xcoders Podcast features Tim Ekl and Jared Sorge and me talking about XcodeGen. Xcoders is …

: Practicing the Coding Challenges Brent Simmons (@brentsimmons) muses over the value of coding questions for software interviews here: …

: CaseIterable Just discovered swift's CaseIterable which makes this sweet code possible: let allCaseValues = …

: The Weekly Review's Accountability Segment (Context: I listen to @theweeklyreview each week as part of my aspirations to get more …

: Voyager Revisited @macgenie Thanks for Voyager Revisited! It's a wonderful respite from everything that's going on …

: Panchayat Recent bingewatching discovery: Panchayat Situation comedy where the situation is rural India. …

: Why doesn’t Boris Johnson like Japanese baths? だから、いい湯だなぁ

: The Parable of the Great Young Girl There was a young girl who was very, very concerned about climate change. She spoke out, saying that …

: Drama

: Current view

: Optimal desktop arrangement

: I think I have a new favorite whisky.

: “Putting the ‘protest’ back in ‘protestant’” is a pretty good slogan for the …

: Taking @macgenie’s advice: best way to relax after a tough day is to watch some Janeway kicking …

: Boom! 12 hours later, the circle is complete. Total walking time: 9 hours, 15 minutes. Total time: …

: Big Finn Hill Park. 23.6 miles. #520bridgeloophike

: 21 miles. Time for food. Legs beginning to complain. #520bridgeloophike

: Juanita Bay Park #520bridgeloophike

: 17.7 miles. I have earned a beer! #520bridgeloophike

: View of Seattle from Kirkland Corridor #520bridgeloophike

: Weatherhill Nature Preserve. #520bridgeloophike

: Next stop: Chainline Brewing at about 2 pm #520bridgeloophike

: Today I learned that aircraft can go under the Montlake bridge. #520bridgeloophike

: The 520 trail begins. This is approximately a 2500 smoot bridge. #520bridgeloophike

: Burke-Gilman Park looks like Teletubbie Land #520bridgeloophike

: I’m thinking Jak’s Grill for breakfast in about half an hour. #520bridgeloophike

: Matthews Beach Park #520bridgeloophike

: Mile 0? #520bridgeloophike

: Boom! #520bridgeloophike

: I’m thinking of a 520 “bridge loop” hike tomorrow, starting at Log Boom Park, …

: Yesterday I did a talk at our local Xcoders meetup (https://www.meetup.com/xcoders) in Redmond, …

: This Thursday, I’ll be speaking on “Swift Basics” at the Xcoders meeting in Redmond. let and …

: Today I realized: “Harry’s” is an apt name for a company that sells hair-shaving products.

: Today I learned: the “mut” in ”mutex” derives from “mutual” and not “mutable”. To me, “mutual” would …

: When did people start using the word “transparent” to mean “easy to see”?

: Disappointed to learn today that “Endgame” is not a film adaptation of the Samuel Beckett play.

: Got to see one of my favorite bands, Southern All Stars, last night in Yokohama. Lots of fun! I …

: Any of my tech followers in Tokyo want to meetup? I’ll be at the MacAdmins meetup at Oak …

: TIL: One BIG is 10 units of Large

: TIL who Luke Perry is

: New find for music to play while working: The Budos Band. All instrumental psychedelic Afro-soul. …

: I’ve been working on my Mac app for Atom Probe Tomography data recently, reviving it after …

: Yesterday’s @CliffMass forecast said snow would start falling before 1 pm, and it starting …

: It’s surprising that most cars don’t handle well when driving on ice, considering that …

: Last weekend read the wonderful Pachinko by Min Jin Lee. Highly recommended. First book in quite a …

: I think this HBO reboot of Sherlock is quite good: www.youtube.com/watch

: Sad to learn of the death of Mary Oliver. Here’s a link to my favorite Mary Oliver poem, The …

: This funny: “counsel representing the estate of the Duke of Buckingham referred to King Richard III …

: Drinking game: watching the 1956 “Around the world in 80 days”, and drinking for each instance of …

: Whenever we ask Siri about Uwajimaya, she thinks we are asking about Mama Bear’s Espresso.

: Don’t remember a 紅白 ending with this much fun and energy. サザンオールスターズ played like they are still in …

: Watching this year’s 紅白 — I am now a fan of Naomi Watanabe

: Inside every rock, hiding, waiting patiently, is a smaller rock

: Finishing the year right!

: Spent a very relaxed Saturday finishing @mattgemmell ‘s Toll. A very satisfying read — looking …

: Found an explanation for the Seahawks disappointing season at Microsoft’s Company Store:

: An interesting new phrase I heard the other day from the offspring: “sound font”. Meaning the …